One of my older images this was taken back in January 2015 at -35°C from a Bortle 1 zone in Eastern Ontario.
Back then I had a Skywatcher HEQ5 and 100mm ProED Telescope and very little experience guiding with my Orion Starshoot Autoguider.
One of my initial tests of the SVBONY 7nm Ha Filter with the William Optics RedCat 51 and Nikon Z6 using a Losmandy GM8 Mount. Combining RGB and Ha into a single image that came off extremely well!
Taken during heat of the summer with my Nikon Z6, when I was playing around with what ISO worked best for the camera (Fun Fact: ISO800) and again using the RedCat51 which as my newest acquisition was getting a lot of use in 2019.
So I’m normally a wide-field astrophotographer using the EdgeHD 8″ mainly for Outreach and Planetary/Lunar/Solar viewing and imaging. However the Iris Nebula happen to fit quite well the framing of the Core while the RedCat 51 did a good job collecting the surrounding clouds.