While I have a nice astronomy setup there is always room for improvements with the right amount of capital expenditures. People always ask me about the gear I have but never where I see my gear going, so this is more for my own benefit but also showing how this hobby is always about continued […]
Category: Astronomy
Orion Nebula (Photoshop vs. Pixinsight Processing)
Its been cloudy the last few days and quickly moving towards a full moon so I decided to take a page out of AstroBackYard and revisit some older data. Looking though my archives for images which could use a some work I found this photo from January 1st 2019 of the Orion Nebula (Messier 42). […]
Hercules Nebula (Post-Processing Revisit)
So this data was collected back in 2011 on a Lumix GH2, that by today’s count is over 9 years ago. It was a series of Nine 20 second iso3200 photos. By today’s standards, there is a lot of noise, but the short exposures resulted in round stars so its usable. I’ve learned a lot […]
FLO – Fred Lossing Observatory
When I first started in Astronomy, FLO (pronounced “Flow”) was my “Dark Site”, about 30 minutes away from Kingston it is where I took some of my first astrophotography photos. The site is operated by Ottawa chapter of RASC and to use the site you need to be a member and pay an additional annual […]
Iris Nebula (Combining 2 Nights)
Iris Nebula results of combining the best subs from two nights!
Quick Recap: Nikon Z6 for Astrophotography
It’s summer hear (28-30°C) and heat and CMOS sensors don’t get along well for noise when you are imaging dark things, like the night sky. So this is the “worst case scenario” for using uncooled sensors. Normally I don’t Image because the noise makes my images unusable from my older cameras. The Z6 (and maybe […]
Bubble Nebula
So this is my first attempt at the Bubble Nebula ( NGC 7635 ) which required the use of my Celestron EdgeHD8″ scope. I utilized a Nikon Z6 and a OAG in order to image and guide through the SCT without worry of mirror flop and other such issues. Overall I’m happy with this first […]
Lennox and Addition Dark Sky Viewing Area
While I do have my own observatory and I enjoy using it immensely, the L&A DSVA is a great place to go to see the faintest fuzzys in the night sky while listening to the nearby Whippoorwill colony during the summer months. Its also a great place that is open to the public so often […]
Andromeda 2.0
Quick post where I mixed several nights worth of imaging of our nearest galaxy, Andromeda. Imaging Equipment:– Nikon Z6– William Optics RedCat51– Losmandy GM8 (Modified)– Orion StarShoot Guide Camera This is a combination of 26 subs of 20sec at ISO8000 and 48 subs of 300secs at ISO800 (giving a combined integration time of 4.14 hours. […]
Nikon Z6 ISO Astro Test
So I did a quick test last night while trying to collect more data on Andromeda Galaxy. I continued most of the night with my standard 5 minutes (300seconds) at ISO800 for most of the imaging session then jumped up 20sec subs at ISO8000. The purpose of this was to see how much extra noise […]