Affinity Photo just dropped a huge update to their software line-up adding a tonne of features that are well worth checking out. However the one that caught my eye was their new AstroPhotography Stacker which is a one-stop-shop for stacking all your lights, darks, flats, dark-flats, and bias frames into a final stacked image ready […]
Category: Astronomy
Astro Cinemagraphs Giveaway!
So I recently hit 1000 subscribers on my companion YouTube Channel and I wanted to give something back to the community for supporting me. So I cam up with some cinemagraphs people can use as fancy backgrounds in their various zoom and live streams to switch it up a bit. To get these 6 amazing […]
Comet C/2020 F3 Neowise at Night
So Comet Neowise hung around long enough to move west-ward in the night sky to a point that it could be imaged successfully at night!So of course I was out again chasing it, this time to the Lennox and Addington Dark Sky Viewing Area which I found out was a popular destination for comet seekers! […]
Comet Neowise (C/2020 F3)
Chasing Comet Neowise in the Early Morning Twilight Hours
Starlink and the Crescent Nebula
So I’m starting to image in earnest with my Celestron EdgeHD 8 which up to this point has mainly had visual observation duty. Still working out some kinks in the guiding set-up with the OAG (before it was worse with a guide scope). First up was a quick shot of the Crescent Moon that was […]
SVBony 7nm Ha Filter
So I’ve been wanting to give Narrowband Imaging a try for a while, as I live under dark skies its not necessary but a few directions do have far off light bubbles and in the winter they are about a magnitude worse due to the ground being covered in snow. So I decided to “dip […]
Snow Supermoon
So I went a little crazy this supermoon (largest full moon of the year) and tried a couple processing techniques. Suffice it to say I may of gone a bit overboard with the processing to try to eek out every additional bit of sharpness I could. May the results speak for themselves… I also did […]
StarNet++ Free Star Removal Tool for Astrophotography
I came across some interesting software called “StarNet++” which allows you to remove stars from your astronomy photos with retaliative ease. Nikita Misiura’s Orginal Update on StarNet++ Software Download off The How-To Guide on Cloudy Nights AstroBackyard’s Guide on StarNet++ So of Course I had to test it on the toughest star-filled […]
IRAS & GGSE Potential Collision
The astronomy community is all in a tizzy over the possibility of two derelict satellites in high orbit might collide. The odds are 1 in 20 according to LeoLab that an impact will occur. As it was clear I grabbed my camera and set-up camp to capture the potential disastrous (for orbiting satellites) collision. Hear […]
Solar Imaging in Denmark – The Round Tower
The Round Tower in Copenhagen sports an Observatory on top, and on select days its open to the public, so during my visits to the city I had to go and check it out! It is toted as the oldest operating telescope in Europe dating form 1929! As it daytime the only thing to observe […]